Academic Achievement and Mental Health

Dear Members of the Board,

AUSD is at a time of transition. A year ago, we were still grappling with how to teach effectively in a pandemic. Today, along with our colleagues in neighboring public and private school districts, ATA teachers are planning on a return to full in-person 5 days a week instruction in the fall.  We look forward to being with our students in person while we leverage our new fluency with technology skills gained over the last year.

As teachers, we continually assess and evaluate our teaching and the educational tools we use with our students.  This pandemic continues to necessitate new skills and technology when working with students – some that will enhance good teaching, others that are tied to circumstances that may longer apply.  As we return to normalcy, we need to use a pedagogical lens to determine how to best educate our students.  As the school board looks to the fall, we ask that you listen to the professional voices of our teachers, especially our amazing staff at AMS, when looking at remote learning options.

Financially, less than a year ago this board was in the position of making drastic cuts at all levels in the face of a looming structural deficit. Today it is the recipient of over $6 million in learning loss funding from state and federal sources. Let’s use this to invest in academic achievement and mental health of our students, as well as furthering our investment in excellent teachers and leadership for the district.

What a year we’ve been through. Let’s keep its lessons close, evaluate the skills we’ve developed through it, and set our sights on what’s ahead.

Chris & Stephen
ATA Co-Presidents

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